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Social Media Marketing, Perceived Service Quality, Consumer Trust and Online Purchase Intentions


Abstract and Figures

This study aims to measure the effect of social media marketing and perceived service quality on online purchase intention that is mediated by consumer trust toward The sample obtained in this study was 214 samples. Respondents are customers who had made transactions at using payments in Indonesian Rupiah. Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was used to analyze the collected data. The outer model test proved the reliability and validity of the constructs, as well as the inner model, proved the hypotheses. The results showed that as partial social media marketing has a positive and significant effect on consumer trust, it has no significant impact on online purchase intention. The perceived service quality has a positive and significant impact on consumer trust and online purchase intention. Likewise, consumer trust has a positive and significant effect on online purchase intention. The hypotheses are supported since social media marketing, and perceived service quality has a positive and significant impact on online purchase intention, mediated by consumer trust. The findings can direct or other online retailers to increase their promotion and marketing by using social media. And also, they improve their service quality to create customer trust and online purchase intention, especially for, which has a smaller market share in Indonesia and smaller social media followers compared to its competitors. These findings showed that social media marketing was not always directly influenced by online purchase intention, but the correlation needs the trust variable as the mediator.
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ISSN: 04532198
Volume 62, Issue 10, November, 2020
Social Media Marketing, Perceived Service Quality,
Consumer Trust and Online Purchase Intentions
Bobby Chan1, Edi Purwanto2*, Tonny Hendratono3
Graduate School of Management, Bunda Mulia University, Jakarta, Indonesia1
Department of Management & Jaya Launch Pad, Universitas Pembangunan Jaya, Indonesia2
Ambarrukmo Tourism Institute, Yogyakarta, Indonesia3
Corresponding author: 2*
ABSTRACT This study aims to measure the effect of social media marketing and perceived service quality
on online purchase intention that is mediated by consumer trust toward The sample obtained in
this study was 214 samples. Respondents are customers who had made transactions at using
payments in Indonesian Rupiah. Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was used to
analyze the collected data. The outer model test proved the reliability and validity of the constructs, as well
as the inner model, proved the hypotheses. The results showed that as partial social media marketing has a
positive and significant effect on consumer trust, it has no significant impact on online purchase intention.
The perceived service quality has a positive and significant impact on consumer trust and online purchase
intention. Likewise, consumer trust has a positive and significant effect on online purchase intention. The
hypotheses are supported since social media marketing, and perceived service quality has a positive and
significant impact on online purchase intention, mediated by consumer trust. The findings can direct or other online retailers to increase their promotion and marketing by using social media. And
also, they improve their service quality to create customer trust and online purchase intention, especially for, which has a smaller market share in Indonesia and smaller social media followers compared to
its competitors. These findings showed that social media marketing was not always directly influenced by
online purchase intention, but the correlation needs the trust variable as the mediator.
KEYWORDS: Social media marketing, service quality, consumer trust, online purchase intention, airline
ticket reservation.
Online transactions continue to increase in Indonesia. The Nielsen study showed that more than half (55%) of
online consumers in the Asia Pacific prefer to buy new products from well-known brands rather than switching
to new brands. According to APJII (Indonesian Internet Service Providers Association), the internet seems
increasingly used by entrepreneurs to improved their business performance. Most business sectors that use
the internet are the trade and services sectors. According to Nielsen Global Survey of E-Commerce, about
half of Indonesian consumers had intentions to buy airplane tickets online (55%). Make online hotel
reservations and travel agencies (46%), four out of ten consumers (40%) have intentions to buy electronic
books (e-books). Almost four out of ten consumers (37%) have intentions to online buying
clothing/accessories/shoes, and more than a third of consumers (34%) have intentions to buy event tickets
online [1]. The phenomenon of using online media as a transaction for various types of businesses, especially
ticketing services, was captured as an opportunity by is an Online Travel Agency
company founded in 2011. sells airplane ticket products online. markets airplane
ticket products in various countries in South East Asia. But unfortunately, the market shares of in
Indonesia is relatively lower than its market share in other southeast Asian countries, such as Malaysia,
Thailand, Singapore, Philippines. The website or platform does not seem to be well known by
Indonesian consumers compared to other platforms, such as,, and
On social media, for example,, also has fewer followers than other platforms in
Indonesia. has the most number of followers, which is as many as 4,500,000 followers, then
B. Chan, E. Purwanto and T. Hendratono, 2020 Technology Reports of Kansai University
6266 has 659,000 followers, and has 657,000 followers only has 34,000
followers. has the highest number of followers on Twitter, which are 95,000 followers, and it is
followed by with 69,900 followers, while only has 20,900 followers. Indeed, the
position of is still higher than, which only has 13,900 followers on Twitter. still has the most number of followers on Instagram, namely as many as 304,000 followers,
and follows it as many as 103,000 followers, then has 66,600 followers, and in the
last position is with 3,900 followers. All of that suggests that is still not well known
by many people in Indonesia compared to other platforms. Many studies showed that online purchase intention
was influenced by consumer trust, and consumer trust was influenced by social media marketing (SMM).
Mohammadpour found that social media marketing influenced consumers' intention to purchase the product
online [2]. Whereas, Hajli found that trust built through social media can influence consumers to trust in online
transactions [3]. found that service quality influenced consumers' trust [4], and found that consumers trust
influenced the consumers' intention to purchase [5]. also found that the website quality influenced the level of
trust, and then the trust influenced consumers' intention to make an online purchase [6]. Then this study
investigated the effect of SMM and perceived service quality on consumer trust and the impact of consumer
trust on intentions to online purchase at
2. Literature Review
SMM is one of the marketing strategies. This strategy uses social media to build networks or communities
with consumers, disseminate information through blogs and other online media intending to develop
communication, market research, customer relationship management, and customer service [7]. SMM is a
marketing tool with extensive and unlimited coverage and low cost so that companies can enter a broader
market through social media with relatively smaller capital. According to Vinerean, SMM was growing.
Increasingly popular social media drove this growth [8]. The unique aspects of social media make marketing
strategies evolve. Marketing through social media has many functions, such as connecting and building good
relations between the company and its customers. Then [9] explains that social media marketing is a
promotional activity through social media that integrate social media and elements of the marketing mix.
Unlike traditional marketing activities, SMM allows companies to increase corporate recognition and
familiarity with consumers through online communities. Brand awareness can be created through SMM, and
it can influence consumers' intentions to online purchases. Similarly, according to Mohammadpour SMM was
considered as a phenomenon [2]. It has an essential role in e-Commerce business communication with
consumers. Social media is a medium that is easy to be accessed, so companies can quickly introduce their
products by social media marketing. It is also considered to increase online purchase intentions for consumers.
While according to Chang, consumer trust is an essential factor in online transactions and in building long-
term relationships with consumers [6]. Without trust, consumers will not be interested in online purchases.
So, the level of consumer trust will also directly affect consumers' intention to make online purchases. Trust
is an essential element to make strengthen and deepen relationships [10]. describe that in the absence of trust,
it will create a negative effect, so consumers do not want to make an online purchase, because an analysis of
actions and risks influences the willingness to spend during the shopping process [5]. Hajli also explained that
trust is an important step to develop and maintain e-Commerce business [3]. In the shopping process, the level
of consumers' trust in the seller is at risk or a bad possibility during the transaction. There are two dimensions
of consumer trust, namely: Benevolence, which refers to the sustained relationship between companies and
consumers, and credibility that relates to consumer trust in the seller or company. Credibility of information
can continuously increase the level of a customer's trust [11], [12], [13].
Online purchase intention means the desire of someone to engage in online transactions and shop for certain
brand products that have previously been evaluated online [14]. According to Meskaran, consumers' intention
ISSN: 04532198
Volume 62, Issue 10, November, 2020
to make online purchases can be interpreted as an activity in which consumers look for references to buy
products online [5]. The attitude of consumers in shopping online is related to how consumers finally decide
to buy a product online. In online purchase intention, it is expected that consumers can also have the desire to
go back to shopping for the same product. This can happen if consumers have positive feelings, then look for
information about the product he wants to buy, then feel happy with the product, then buy the product [15].
Hajli sees a positive relationship between social media that has changed the lifestyle of the people worldwide
with a level of consumer trust, which will influence the online purchase intention [3]. Hajli found that social
media is a platform that consumers can interact with, to make observations, join into online communities, and
provide reviews and recommendations [3]. This interaction can build consumer trust. Hajli also found that
trust established through social media can influence online purchase intention [3]. When a consumer has
trusted an online store from his observations through social media, he will be compelled to do online purchase
Based on the theories and studies above, the first hypothesis can be built that:
H1: There is an effect of social media marketing on online purchase intention that is mediated by consumer
Besides being influenced by social media marketing, online purchase intention is also influenced by service
quality. Dapas proved that service quality and website quality are keys factor for purchase intention [16].
Rushton and Carson said that service quality is the quality of the overall service that customers have ever felt
[17]. Perceived service quality is defined as the assessment of customers to the superiority and service quality
that be offered in virtual markets [18]. [4] found that the role of perceived quality of service on consumer
trust, then consumer trust influenced online purchase intentions [4]. found that perceived quality of service
changed consumers' desire to buy the product [19]. Before deciding to buy a product, consumers have an
assessment of product quality and price. The consumer in the specification will assess the perception of
product quality from the features of the product or service provided.
Based on the theories and studies above, the second hypothesis can be built that:
H2: The effect of perceived service quality on online purchase intention is mediated by consumer trust.
Figure I is the conceptual framework that has been tested.
B. Chan, E. Purwanto and T. Hendratono, 2020 Technology Reports of Kansai University
3. Method
The population of this study is customers whoever bought airline ticket at the By using Non-
Probability Sampling, the sample obtained in this study was 214 samples. This study's Respondents were
taken from customers who had made transactions at using payments in Indonesian Rupiah. The
number of respondents obtained was 214 people. 52.6% (112) are men and 52.6% (101) are women. Based
on the age group there were 2.8% (6 respondents) in the range of 15 to 20 years old, 20.2% (43 respondents)
in the range of 21 to 25 years old, 27.2% (58 respondents) in the range 26 to 30 years old, 49.8% (106
respondents) > 35 years old, and 0.1% (1 respondent) did not inform their age. Respondents domiciled in
Jabodetabek (an abbreviation of Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi) are 37.7% (80 respondents).
In Java island (excluded Jabodetabek) are 15.6% (33 respondents). In Sumatera island are 11.3% (24
respondents), in Borneo (Kalimantan) island are 5.7% (12 respondents), in Sulawesi island are 3.3% (7
respondent), in Bali, Nusa Tenggara Timur, and Nusa Tenggara Barat islands are 2.8% (6 respondents), in
Papua island are 0.9% (2 respondents), and in excluded above areas 22.6% (48 respondents). The collected
data was analyzed using PLS-SEM. The outer model test provides individual indicator reliabilities, internal
consistency reliability, convergent and discriminant validities. Then after the outer model was proved, we test
the inner model to prove the hypotheses [20], [21], [22].
4. Findings
4.1 Outer Model Evaluation
Table 1, Table 2, Table 3, and Table 4 shows that all of the indicators have outer loadings > 0.70, so all
measurements scale of indicators is valid. Average Variance Extracted of all variables are > 0.50, so all
constructs are also valid. Cronbach's Alpha and Composite Reliability value of all construct variables are >
0.70, so all construct variables are reliable. Therefore, the individual indicator reliabilities, internal
consistency reliability, convergent and discriminant validities are proved. According to Hair [23], [24], [25],
we can test the hypotheses through the inner model evaluation.
Table 1. Outer Model Evaluation of Social Media Marketing
Composite Reliability
Source: Smart PLS 3.0 output
Table 2. Outer Model Evaluation of Perceived Service Quality
ISSN: 04532198
Volume 62, Issue 10, November, 2020
Perceived Service Quality
Source: Smart PLS 3.0 output
Table 3. Outer Model Evaluation of Consumer Trust
Outer Loadings
Average Variance
Extracted (AVE)
Cronbach's Alpha
Consumer Trust
Trust 1
Trust 2
Trust 3
Trust 4
Source: Smart PLS 3.0 output
Table 4. Outer Model Evaluation of Online Purchase Intention
Online Purchase Intention
Source: Smart PLS 3.0 output
4.2 Inner Model Evaluation
The coefficient of determination (R²) is a primary criterion for inner model assessment [23]. Table 5 shows
that the R-Square value of the consumer trust construct is 0.776, and it indicates that the model is reliable.
Still, the R-Square value of the online purchase intention construct is moderate (0.648).
Table 5. R-Square
R Square
R Square Adjusted
Consumer trust
Online purchase intention
Source: Smart PLS 3.0 output
Table 6 shows the effect of exogenous variables on endogenous variables partially. The impact of social media
B. Chan, E. Purwanto and T. Hendratono, 2020 Technology Reports of Kansai University
marketing on consumer trust is positive and significant because the T Statistics value is 2.674 > 1.96, and the
Probability value is 0.008 < 0.05. But the effect of social media marketing on the intention to online purchase
is insignificant because the T Statistics value is 1.067 < 1.96, and the Probability value is 0.286 > 0.05. The
effect of perceived service quality on consumer trust is positive and significant because the T Statistics value
is 11.739 > 1.96, and the probability value is 0.000 < 0.05. Likewise, the effect of perceived quality of service
on an intention to online purchase is positive and significant because the T Statistics value is 5.826 > 1.96,
and the Probability value is 0.000 < 0.05. Finally, the effect of consumer trust on online purchase intention is
positive and significant because the T Statistics value is 3.816 > 1.96, and the Probability value is 0.000 <
Table 6. Path Coefficients
T Statistics
P Values
Social media marketing ->
Consumer trust
Social media marketing -> Online
purchase intention
Perceived service quality ->
Consumer trust
Perceived service quality -> Online
purchase intention
Consumer trust -> Online purchase
Source: Smart PLS 3.0 output.
Table 7 shows that social media marketing is proved to influence online purchase intention that is mediated
by consumer trust is positive and significant because T Statistics value is 2.158 > 1.96. The probability value
is 0.031 < 0.05, so the hypothesis is supported. Likewise, the effect of perceived service quality on online
purchase intention mediated by consumer trust is positive and significant because T-value is 3.627 > 1.96,
and P-value is 0.000 < 0.05, so the hypothesis is supported. is still not well known by many people
in Indonesia compared to other platforms. Airpaz should use social media as a means of promotion and
increase its service quality. The study proves that SCM and ServQual can create consumer trust, and then
consumer trust creat the purchase intention.
Table 7. Specific Indirect Effects
T Statistics
P Values
Social media marketing -> Consumer
trust -> Online purchase intention
Perceived service quality -> Consumer
trust -> Online purchase intention
Source: Smart PLS 3.0 output
5. Conclusion
This study has proven that social media marketing influences online purchase intention that is mediated by
consumer trust toward Thus it is true what Mohammadpour said that social media marketing is
crucial [2]. The focus on developing marketing strategies through social media is essential because it will
ISSN: 04532198
Volume 62, Issue 10, November, 2020
improve the consumer's online purchase intention. This finding also supports Hajli, who also found that trust
in social media has an essential role in creating online purchase intentions [3]. This study also has proven that
perceived service quality influences online purchase intention that is mediated by consumer trust toward This finding supports, who found that perceived service quality affects consumers' desire to buy
a product [19]. Before deciding to buy a product, consumers assess product quality, service quality, and price.
Perceived service quality will later become a source of customer satisfaction.
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... In accordance with the Theory of Planned Behavior, consumers have a greater possibility to perform a specific action in the future if they have a strong intention (Morwitz, 2014). However, in several previous work of literatures, SMM was found not to have a significant effect on Purchase Intention (Chan et al., 2020;Emini, 2021). Meanwhile, based on a further literature review, SMM was proven to be able to influence PI through the indirect influence of brand image, brand awareness, and brand preference (Aileen et al., 2021;Anantasiska et al., 2021;Zhafirah, 2019); advertising value (Zhafirah, 2019); customer relationships (Gautam & Sharma, 2017); trust (Liu et al., 2019), and Perceived Value (hereinafter referred to as PV) (Kim & Ko, 2012;Chrein et al, 2021;Moslehpour et al., 2021). ...
... Among the various advantages of SMM, SMM has been proven to increase purchase intention (Manzoor et al., 2020;Aileen et al., 2021;Moslehpour et al., 2021). However, in several previous studies, SMM was found not to have a significant effect on PI (Chan et al., 2020;Emini, 2021) H1 : Social Media Marketing has a positive and significant influence on Purchase Intention ...
... Various studies have been conducted to determine the effect of SMM on PI ( Chen & Lin, 2019;Poturak & Softic, 2019;Moslehpour et al., 2021). Although many studies have proven the positive effect of SMM on PI, several studies failed to confirm (Chan et al., 2020;Emini, 2021). Based on this research gap, further literature found that there is an indirect effect between SMM on PI through PV (Moslehpour et al., 2021)including entertainment (ENT. ...
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The rapid use of social media has skyrocketed over the past decade all over the world, including in Indonesia. Organizations can significantly benefit by utilizing social media as an integral part of their marketing strategy. However, there is no consensus regarding to which extent Social Media Marketing (SMM) is able to influence Purchase Intention (PI). The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of SMM on PI based on the Value-Based Adoption Model (VAM). The research population of this study is 791 thousand accounts of @halodoc Instagram followers. Halodoc becomes an interesting object to study because it is engaged in the healthcare sector, where consumers will be thoroughly evaluating the Perceived Value (PV) of the service offered. The sample consists of 130 respondents using the purposive sampling method. This study concludes that SMM has no direct influence on PI; SMM has a positive and significant effect on PV; PV has a positive and significant effect on PI and PV fully mediates the influence between SMM on PI. This study confirms that the SMM should be focusing on establishing consumers’ favorable internal response. Nevertheless, this research still has some technical limitations, where the prospective respondents were reluctant to reply direct messages from unknown senders. .
... Social media marketing membantu perusahaan untuk meningkatkan keunggulan yang kompetitif serta profitabilitas perusahaan, Konsumen mencoba untuk mencari tahu informasi tentang produk ataupun merek sebanyak mungkin melalui social media, informasi yang didapatkan menunjukkan pengaruh yang signifikan dengan minat beli karena variabel ini membawa kepercayaan dengan sendirinya (Alfeel, 2019). Namun pernyataan yang berbeda menurut (Chan et al., 2020) bahwa, Social Media Marketing tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap Purchase Intention. ...
... Social media merupakan media yang mudah untuk diakses, sehingga melalui pemasaran media sosial penjual dapat dengan cepat memperkenalkan produknya kepada konsumen, Hal ini juga dinilai dapat meningkatkan minat beli pada konsumen. Tanpa kepercayaan, konsumen tidak akan tertarik untuk melakukan pembelian karena kepercayaan merupakan elemen penting untuk memperkuat maupun memperdalam hubungan penjual dengan konsumen (Chan et al., 2020). ...
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p> The increasing development of beauty & personal care in Indonesia due to social distancing and work-from-home regulations during the Covid-19 pandemic. People's shopping patterns have changed from offline to online due to the Covid-19 pandemic. So this causes marketing patterns that have changed due to technological developments and are driven by the Covid-19 pandemic factor to become a problem for marketers or business people to continue to innovate and adapt. This research is quantitative research with the survey method as an instrument in data collection . The collection of respondent data in this study was obtained using a non-probability sampling technique of purposive sampling, with a total of 162 (one hundred and sixty-two) respondents who have never made a purchase on Ms. Glow products and are active users of Instagram social media in Indonesia. The results showed that all the hypotheses examined in the study had a significant effect. Based on these results, it can be concluded that social media marketing can have a significant influence on buying interest mediated by consumer trust. </p
... In line with this, Armawan et al. (2023) confirm that using social media as a marketing tool, service quality, and e-commerce can influence product purchase intentions. However, Chan et al. (2020) found that marketing via social media influences consumer trust but not purchases, while service quality significantly influences consumer trust and product purchases. The same results are shown in research Maslim and Pasaribu (2021) that social media and email promotion affect product purchases. ...
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p>The coffee business or coffee shop is a sector that is growing rapidly. Coffee shops have evolved into more comfortable and modern places, caused by changes in people's lifestyles and behavior in consuming products and services. This situation also brings tight competition in the coffee shop business, where they must make several efforts to keep their brand selected. Some actions are maximizing social media promotion channels, word of mouth (WOM), and increasing service quality, which are expected to increase trust so that consumer repurchase intention can increase indirectly. This research aims to determine the influence of social media promotion, WOM, and service quality on consumer repurchase intention, both directly and through trust mediation. They are using a population of coffee shop consumers in Surakarta. We take a sample of 200 respondents. This number was obtained from an online survey via the Google Forms platform. The questionnaire results were analyzed using the partial least squares method with the SmartPLS 3.0 software application. The research results reveal that social media promotion, WOM, and quality service directly impact repurchase intention. Meanwhile, indirectly, namely through the mediation of trust, only WOM and quality service significantly affect consumers' intention to repurchase. These results imply that when deciding to repurchase, consumers look at the quality of the product they purchased and pay attention to other things. Therefore, managers or owners need to pay more attention to these details.</p
... Media sosial adalah bentuk media yang dapat diakses yang memungkinkan perusahaan untuk dengan mudah menjual produk mereka kepada konsumen. Jika tidak ada kepercayaan antara pembeli dan penjual atau pedagang, maka pembeli tidak akan tertarik untuk melakukan pembelian (Chan, Purwanto, & Hendratono, 2020). Banyak bisnis mengklaim bahwa pemasaran media sosial dapat meningkatkan nilai, efisien, dan efektif dalam memperkenalkan produk atau merek sehingga konsumen memiliki pilihan dalam barang atau jasa yang ditawarkan (Angelyn & Kodrat, 2021). ...
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Pandemi Covid 19 telah memasuki tahun kedua melanda dunia termasuk Indonesia. Kondisi ini memberikan dampak yang sangat signifikan bagi dunia usaha di Indonesia. Seluruh bisnis dengan omset besar maupun kecil terkena dampaknya, termasuk para pelaku UMKM di Kecamatan Pondok Aren, kota Tangerang Selatan. Dampak yang paling besar dirasakan adalah turunnya omset penjualan sehingga pendapatan hasil penjualan menjadi berkurang. Disamping menurunnya omset penjualan, masalah lain yang dihadapi UMKM di Kecamatan Pondon Aren adalah kurangnya pengetahuan pelaku bisnis dalam mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan saluran pemasaran online. Oleh sebab itu para pelaku UMKM di Kecamatan Pondok Aren memerlukan pelatihan bagaimana memanfaatkan dan menggunakan media social sebagai salah satu saluran pemasaran online. Metode pelatihan dibuat sederhana dengan pelatihan langsung, diskusi mengenai platform dan konten yang akan digunakan dan review Bersama mengenai hasil penggunaan media sosial.
... Trust is particularly critical for service providers as they promise consumers products that cannot be seen, where consumers pay before experiencing them . Trust is the belief in the fulfillment of promises in a relationship (Chan et al., 2020). Consumer trust is the belief of consumers based on their knowledge of the product, including its attributes and benefits (Mahaputra, 2020). ...
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The mini market business represents the modernization of traditional markets. However, with the enactment of Presidential Regulation No. 44/2016, which permits foreign retailers to open stores in Indonesia, foreign retailers have gained confidence in penetrating both major city malls and even trying their hand in smaller towns. The research aims to assess the quality of service and the trust associated with satisfaction using the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) method. The population consists of all consumers in various mini markets in the city of Cirebon. The sampling technique utilized is random sampling. Data collection is done through questionnaires, and data analysis employs multiple regression analysis and the IPA method. The research results, based on multiple regression analysis, demonstrate a positive and significant influence between the variables of service quality and trust on customer satisfaction. Meanwhile, based on the IPA method, the average level of conformity reveals that satisfaction is at 90%. Therefore, it is apparent that 21 indicators are distributed across Quadrants A, B, C, and D, signifying a conformity in service quality and trust toward customer satisfaction.
... Chan et al. consumed a fusion algorithm based on SMOTE and random forest to predict repeated purchase intentions and obtained high accuracy and efficiency. e fusion algorithm has certain reference significance for the prediction of repeated purchase intentions of new consumers [18]. Liu and Bai studied customer-perceived future sales of enterprises. ...
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In recent years, the term “big data” has attracted the attention of many scholars and business managers, and the emergence of massive data has ushered in a major transformation of the times. Service quality and customer repeat purchase intention are two of the hot issues in the field of service research. Clarifying the mechanism of the two can help enterprises establish long-term customer relations with more customers through the improvement of service quality, enhance their competitive strength, and improve enterprise performance. According to the actual consumer purchase data provided, the existing data sets are visually analyzed and processed to find the consumer purchase rules, build features and build a reasonable consumer purchase prediction experimental data set. Based on the obtained experimental data set, a single prediction model of consumer purchase is designed. According to the analysis of the instantiation results of the single prediction model, the single model consumed in the fusion model of consumer purchase prediction is determined. In order to demonstrate the viewpoints put forward, the research model is established, the research hypothesis is put forward, the questionnaire is designed by referring to the literature and field investigation, and the results of the questionnaire are empirically analyzed. Using the methods of descriptive statistical analysis, factor analysis, reliability and validity test, and regression analysis, the hypothesis that service quality has a direct impact on customer repeat purchase intention is verified.
... Menurut (Kotler & Keller, 2016) dalam mengungkapkan ecommerce adalah penyebaran informasi, pembelian dan penjualan, serta pemasaran produk atau jasa melalui media elektronik seperti internet atau televisi. E-commerce di dalamnya melibatkan transfer dana secara elektronik, melakukan pertukaran data elektronik, menggunakan sistem inventory otomatis, dan sistem pengumpulan data secara otomatis (Andhini & Khuzaini, 2017) (Chan, Purwanto, & Hendratono, 2020). Bentuk platform dalam marketplace berbentuk website maupun aplikasi. ...
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The rise of services for marketplaces in Indonesia has led to changes in people's shopping patterns to meet their daily needs. The change in shopping patterns from offline to online has increased during the COVID-19 pandemic, this provides an opportunity for marketplace managers to take advantage of the use of social media to shop online to meet their needs. In addition, it spurs marketplace managers to compete to provide satisfaction to its users. The purpose of the study was to determine the role of trust as a mediating variable on the influence between online transactions and the satisfaction of active users of the Tokopedia marketplace in Indonesia, especially in the city of Cirebon. The data collection technique in this study used a questionnaire with the acidental sampling method which involved 100 active users of the Tokopedia marketplace in Cirebon City as respondents. The data analysis used is descriptive and inferential statistics, namely the Structure Equation Model using SmartPLS 3. The results of data analysis show that online transactions directly affect user satisfaction and online transactions affect user satisfaction with trust mediation
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Changes in the way of working have begun to occur along with changes in the environment. This study aims to see the direct effect of flexible work arrangements in terms of flexibility of place and time with conflict between roles such asWork-Home and Home-Work Conflict and to see the moderating effect of strong ties to work (on the job embeddedness) and strong ties outside of work oroff the job embeddednessto voluntary turnover during the pandemic. This research was conducted through the distribution of questionnaires in October to December 2021 to 200 employees of the foreign-owned Transportation Management Services Industry assigned to the administration, finance, marketing and human resources departments operating in Indonesia. Structural Equation Model (SEM) with SmartPLS was used to analyze the data obtained. The results of the study show that flexible working arrangements has almost the same negative effect on Home-Work Conflict and Work-Home Conflict. And both conflicts have a positive effect on Voluntary Turnover with a greater positive influence on Home-Work Conflict and on the moderation of On and Off The Job Embeddedness found only in the moderating effect of Off The Job Embeddedness which moderates the positive influence between Home-Work Conflict and Voluntary Turnover..
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During the COVID-19 pandemic, there was an increase in e-commerce transactions. In 2020, there was an increase in the nominal e-commerce transactions by 29.6% from IDR 205.5 trillion in 2019 to IDR 266.3 trillion. This increase in sales from e-commerce makes manufacturers one of the opportunities to increase sales of their products by utilizing the internet network to make it easier to communicate and market their products. The research discusses how social media marketing affects purchase intention through mediated variables, namely perceived value and perceived risk. This research used the quantitative approach with explanatory research. This research was conducted offline through the distribution of questionnaires and online through online questionnaires given to market place consumers who have the desire to make purchases in cash on delivery on e-commerce without a purchase platform. This research was conducted on e-commerce consumers in Malang. Social media marketing in this study has a positive influence on purchase intention, perceived value, and perceive risk. Social media marketing in this study has been shown to affect purchase intentions that are mediated by perceived value. On the other hand, it does not affect purchase intentions that are mediated with perceived risk.
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Covid-19 pandemic has an impact on many sectors, one of which is higher education. Closing the college does not automatically stop the teaching and learning process. The shift from face-to-face methods in the classroom was changed to online. This rapid and comprehensive shift is closely related to lecturers' stress levels in applying online teaching methods. This study aims to identify factors in technostress on the teaching performance of 228 lecturers in Jakarta province, Indonesia. The instrument used in this study was a questionnaire and was processed using SPSS 25 software. The results of this study explained that this techno-complexity factor influenced the online teaching performance of lecturers in the condition of the Covid-19 pandemic. But on the other hand, other factors, namely techno-overload, techno insecurity, and techno-uncertainty, have different results.
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This paper reports the result of the investigation of UTAUT model implementation's implementation of intentions and behavior to use m-banking among Indonesian customers. The population is the unknown number of m-banking users. Therefore, non-probability or convenience sampling techniques are implemented here. Samples total successfully collected and used was 137 respondents. We use Structural Equation Modeling analysis techniques. The effect of performance expectancy on the behavior intention is insignificant, but the effect of effort expectancy is positive and significant. Likewise, the effect of social influencing on the intention to use is irrelevant, but the impact of facilitating conditions is positive and significant. The impact of behavior intention on use behavior is positive and significant. This paper's originality is that the determinants of intention and behavior to use m-banking among urban and millennial generation in Indonesia are effort expectancy and facilitating conditions. The urban and millennial generation is more individualistic than collectivistic. So they do not need social influence to aware benefits of using m-banking. They use m-banking, especially for individual and daily activities purpose than to help their work, so performance expectancy is not a factor that influences them to use m-banking.
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Millennials have a lifestyle that is different from previous generations. Millennial Generation lives and grows together with rapid technological growth and currently dominates the population in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to empirically determine the factors that influence the millennial generation's loyalty to mobile banking applications. Elements used to analyze the millennial generation's loyalty are corporate image, application security, word of mouth (WoM), and trust. Data collected through questionnaires from a sample of 395mobile banking users in Indonesia. The study uses structural equation modeling (SEM) to test the hypotheses with Amos 24 as the analysis tool. The results of the study proved that all predictions are proven significant. The trust in mobile banking mediates the effects of corporate image, application security, and word of mouth on millennial's loyalty. The respondent of the research was millennial mobile banking users in Indonesia. Therefore, the model should be replicated among other mobile banking users in other countries. Banks have to maintain an excellent corporate image and get a positive transmission because, in this digitalization era, information can spread very quickly between friends, relatives, family, or through the internet, digital media, and social media. Banking also needs to include a guaranteed level of application security in the mobile banking application provided to gain the trust of users and be able to foster and increase their loyalty. However, there are still other factors that can influence millennial's loyalty to a mobile banking application.
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This research aims, while exploring the mediating effect of purchase intention, to know and explain how service and website quality influence the purchasing decisions of customers at the Zalora online shop. Research study samples include 240 of the Zalora online shop’s customers. Data collecting used questionnaires, which were shared directly. Data was analysed using the Structural Equation Model (SEM) with AMOS 22 software. Research results show that: (1) Service quality has a positive and noteworthy influence on the purchase intention, (2) website quality has a positive and noteworthy influence on the purchase intention, (3) purchase intention has a positive and noteworthy influence on the purchase decision, (4) service quality has a positive and noteworthy influence on the purchase decision, and (5) website quality has no positive or noteworthy influence on the purchase decision. Therefore, purchase intention can perfectly mediate the influence of service quality and website quality on purchase decision. © 2019, SRAC - Romanian Society for Quality. All rights reserved.
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Purpose People are increasingly responsible for making sound financial decisions to foster their financial satisfaction and well-being, which magnifies the importance of financial literacy, and this concept and measurement is still not yet crystallized in the literature, specifically capturing different behavior perceptions. Moreover, there is not a distinction based on different classifications of behavior, such as over or underconfidence, to understand the relation between literacy and decision process. To fill this gap, this paper aims to investigate whether the financial literacy conceptual model proposed applies similarly to every group independently of their previous self-confidence perception. For this purpose and quality control, OECD (2016) data were used with a final sample of 1,487 Brazilian citizens. Quantitative analysis technique using partial least squares structural equations path modeling and differences between groups using multi-group analysis was applied. In line with general studies, when analyzing the financial literacy usual model for the group as a whole, financial knowledge construct positively influences self-confidence, and both together positively affect financial behavior. However, for individuals with low financial knowledge and low self-confidence, as well as for those with too much or too little confidence, the model did not hold. Therefore, self-confidence perception influences the way financial knowledge is used for financial decisions and should be addressed in financial education and training to be more effective. Design/methodology/approach To operationalize the variables and test the paper’s hypotheses, the authors used the methodology developed in OECD (2016), based on the research instrument’s Brazilian application adapted from the questionnaire developed in OECD (2015), with data initially used and made available by Garber and Koyama (2016). Based on the recommendations of Hair Jr et al. (2017a, 2017b), the authors used partial least squares modeling PLS-PM (SmartPLS 3.2.6) to estimate the structural models. Findings Concerning structural relationships, the final model showed knowledge with a positive influence on self-confidence, self-confidence with a positive effect on behavior and knowledge with a positive influence on behavior, both directly and, through its relationship with self-confidence, indirectly. This underscores that, for the total sample, the greater people’s knowledge and self-confidence, the better their behavior. The unexpected absence of attitude in the final model, even allowing for potential measurement problems, brings up an important reflection on the mediating effect that the self-control variable may exert between attitude and behavior. A person may believe that saving for the future is important (attitude) but whether they actually save (behavior) may depend on self-control, which is needed to prevent immediate gains from being prioritized in practice. Research limitations/implications The findings reported so far concern the study’s total sample. However, as expected from the literature review that provides the basis for the sixth and the most important hypothesis, respondents were found to be heterogeneous in terms of knowledge and self-confidence levels. These differences were evaluated by means of multi-group analyses that indicated that the model does not apply to respondents with low knowledge and low self-confidence and to those who are over- and underconfident. This implies inferring that financial education programs may be of little use if they only address technical knowledge development and fail to consider behavioral aspects such as those related to self-confidence, as this paper points out, and others. This signals the importance of diagnosing people’s profiles to enable developing solutions capable of minimizing the presence of behavioral biases. This need to be studied further. Practical implications The results imply inferring that financial education programs may be of little use if they only address technical knowledge development and fail to consider behavioral aspects such as those related to self-confidence, as this paper points out, and others. Models must be reviewed in light of natural diferences of cognition and lead to customized financial education. Social implications This signals the importance of diagnosing people’s profiles to enable developing solutions capable of minimizing the presence of behavioral biases. Therefore, not only training topics in personal finance but also a deeper education program since the kindergarden must be considered. Originality/value Its practical contribution is to suggest the development of financial education programs that also take account of the potential presence of behavioral biases, which may prevent the misallocation of (scarce) public- and private-sector funds stemming from a limited focus on developing the population’s actual financial knowledge.
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p> Purpose: This study examined the effect of electronic word of mouth and perceived value on purchase decisions of foods when using the Go-Food Application, which is a purchase decision mediated by trust. The increasing the number of Go-Food Application users makes this study a timely survey. Methodology/Approach: This research explored how the Go-Food Application is able to obtain more consumers compared to similar mobile apps. This research is quantitative in nature by testing the hypotheses. The sample size used was 175 respondents from a non-probability sampling with a convenience sampling technique. The analysis uses a SEM model analyzed using the AMOS program 24. Findings: The results based on Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) shows that each variable is valid and reliable, and the result of Goodness of Fit shows all variables fit the data. The result of hypotheses testing show: (1) electronic word of mouth affects significantly and positively on trust; (2) perceived value affects significantly and positively on trust; (3) electronic word of mouth affects significantly and positively on purchase decision; (4) perceived value affects significantly and positively on purchase decision; (5) trust affects significantly and positively on purchase decision. Research Limitation/implication: The respondents were only those who live in Jakarta and those who use Go-Food application owned by Go-Jek Indonesia Ltd., exclude its other application such as Go-Car, Go-Mart, Go-Send, Go-Box, Go-Pulsa, Go-Massage, Go-Clean. Originality/Value of paper: Trust proved as mediation variable between of electronic word of mouth and perceived value and purchase decision by using Go-Food application. So this research has distribution to Go-Jek Indonesia Ltd. to maintain the costumer trust to get sustainable competitive advantage.</p
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The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of Confucianism and the Organisational Ethical Climate on the Leader-Member Exchange using Guanxi as the mediation variable. This study was motivated by an interest in the phenomenon of the working relationship between Chinese supervisors/managers and Chinese employees in various companies in Indonesia. This study was conducted from September to December 2016 in Jakarta and the respondents were Chinese employees with at least one-year work experience who had Chinese supervisors/managers. This study used Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM) techniques. The results of this study showed that Confucianism and the Organisational Ethical Climate positively and significantly influenced Guanxi, and Guanxi positively and significantly influenced the Leader-Member Exchange. Confucianism and the Organisational Ethical Climate also had a positive and significant indirect effect on the Leader-Member Exchange.
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The purpose of the study is to investigate the effect of e-service quality on satisfaction with online purchases moderated by cultural dimensions. E-service quality dimensions include ease of use, availability, efficacy, privacy, and relevant information. Cultural dimensions are individualism/collectivism and uncertainty avoidance. This research was conducted in Jakarta and its respondents are consumers who have completed an online transaction at and it was conducted from January to July 2016. This study uses moderated regression analysis (MRA) technique. The results of the study show that ease of use and privacy dimensions have not had significant effects on satisfaction moderated by collectivism culture, but availability, efficacy, and relevant information dimensions have significant effect on satisfaction moderated by collectivism culture. Likewise, the study found that ease of use and privacy dimension have not had significant effects on satisfaction moderated by low uncertainty avoidance culture, and availability, efficacy, and relevant information dimensions have significant effects on satisfaction moderated by low uncertainty avoidance culture. Keywords: cultural, e-service quality, satisfaction, online purchase.